20190426 GMC INFO 133
Relative to growing in soil-based systems, Grodan products sold in 2018 resulted in an estimated 94 million litres less water used. Grodan products also saved nearly 26 000 hectares of land, an area almost three times the size of Paris.
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Dutch greenhouse with tomatoes grown in GRODAN

Since 2017, ROCKWOOL have collaborated with Wageningen University in the Netherlands to quantify the positive impact of growing tomatoes and cucumbers in Grodan horticultural substrates compared to greenhouse grown, soil-based crops. The results are  significant. 

Relative to growing in soil-based systems, Grodan products sold in 2017 resulted in an estimated 94 million litres less water used, more than 17,000 tonnes of fertilisers, and generated and extra yield of more than 1.9 million tonnes of vegetables.