






耐火断熱材は、HVAC システムの防火にも不可欠です。高温パイプは、人が集まる建設現場や工場現場、または人が眠るアパートの建物を通ることがあります。作業員や居住者を内部の高温や火災の危険から守ることは非常に重要です。

Calculator and savings

Insulating hot pipes can reduce energy costs by more than 20 percent. This often results in a return on investment within several years of installing.

To help calculate how much insulation you need, and at what thickness, we can work with you to understand the unit you will be insulating.

We can do this by looking at the temperature of the piping when it is in both full and medium operation, as well as the conditions and humidity in the environment where the pipes are. Finally, we’ll consider any additional measurements that need to be factored in around the pipes to come to a final total.

Use our ROCKWOOL U-value calculator to determine the thermal performance of the building’s walls/roofs, and possible cost savings. For more details on technical specifications, visit our ROCKSPEC Specification Toolkit.

house, calculator, funds, state subsidy, germany

Rob Kooiker

ROCKWOOL Group Product Manager

Case studies

The challenge

Groningen Seaports in The Netherlands constructed a 2.7km bio steam pipe, as part of a network of over-ground steam pipelines to send heat generated in plants to nearby businesses.

Keeping heat inside that pipe while in transit, without significant temperature loss, was vital for delivering energy efficient and sustainable heating.

The solution

ProRox ROCKWOOL insulation was used, with 250mm thick stone wool pipe sections. This solution was designed to limit heat loss, largely maintaining the 300°C temperature that it entered the pipeline at (with only a loss of a couple of degrees) and ensuring efficient transportation of heat.

The results

The sustainable solutions installed have ensured a safe supply of energy to local businesses – in an energy efficient way.

Case Study, Groningen Seaports SteampipeSeaPort
Due to the pipe’s layered structure, heat radiation through seams, between pipe sections, is kept to a minimum.

Elbert Reijtenbagh

Technical Insulation Sales Consultant at ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Sustainability and energy efficiency

Heating and cooling in buildings and industry accounts for half of the EU’s energy consumption. Reducing energy demand is therefore extremely important to both cut down energy costs, and minimise the carbon footprint generated by constructions.

We develop solutions that contribute towards this goal.

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Financial support

Your business may qualify for local financial support or tax incentives when installing insulation. Check the relevant details in your market.

Energy Efficiency, Key, Keyboard, Button


What is the best insulation for hot water pipes?
Does pipe insulation need to be tight?
How hot can pipe insulation get?