ROCKWOOL aims to be a good neighbour to its local communities and wider society, and to help protect the natural environment. It is a commitment that began in the 1950s, long before sustainability became fashionable, and lies at the heart of ROCKWOOL’s values.

Find out more about our Gender pay gap report and Modern slavery act statement.

Gender pay gap report

ROCKWOOL Limited welcomes the gender pay gap reporting initiative. We are committed to offering fair pay irrespective of  gender. This report provides a snapshot of our gender pay gap and will complement our existing objective to  increase the diversity, and therefore performance, of our teams. It is an opportunity for us to review how we are doing and understand what steps we can take to address any gaps.

2023 Gender Pay Gap Report

You can see our previous years’ reports in the archive below

We are committed to offering fair pay irrespective of gender. This report provides a snapshot of our gender pay gap and will complement our existing objective to increase the diversity, and therefore performance, of our teams. It is an opportunity for us to review how we
are doing and understand what steps we can take to address any gaps.

Nick Wilson

Managing Director, ROCKWOOL UK

Slavery and human trafficking statement

Modern slavery refers to the various forms of exploitation and coercion that exist in contemporary society. Some common manifestations include: forced labour; human trafficking; child labour; and, debt bondage.

ROCKWOOL Group is committed to respect and promote the fundamental human rights of its employees, suppliers, and the communities in which it operates, in line with the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights. ROCKWOOL Group have been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2016 and reports on its progress annually.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Our latest Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is available to download.

2024 Modern Slavery Statement

You can also see our previous years' statements in the archive below.

Living wage

We are proud to be an accredited Living Wage employer.

The real Living Wage is independently calculated by the Living Wage Foundation annually to reflect the real cost of living. It is higher than the regulatory minimum and ensures that employees of Living Wage employers can afford a decent standard of living.

Before becoming formally accredited, ROCKWOOL UK was already paying its own staff real Living Wage rates, but has now rolled this out to third party employees, such as security, catering and cleaning personnel also. 

Living Wage for Wales Logo