Whether you’re converting a functional storage area into a bold new space – or want to give valuable belongings such as expensive lawn mowers and bikes the protection they deserve – effective shed insulation can help. 

More and more, property developers and homeowners are seeing the potential of garden constructions. 


Sheds are being re-imagined as:

  • Home studios or offices – where people can work in peace.
  • Music rooms – soundproofed and ready for practice sessions or recording.
  • Playrooms – giving younger occupants and visitors somewhere safe to play. 
  • Annexes – creating a separate living space from the rest of the household (converting a shed into an extra bedroom or living space usually requires planning permission). 


Ensuring comfortable indoor temperatures and noise levels is key for any of these aims, which means quality insulation for shed walls, roofs and flooring is a must. 

Find out how ROCKWOOL solutions can benefit your project today. 

Case study

Shed Insulation Products

Why do we need shed insulation?

Renovating a shed allows you to create extra opportunities and uses in a space so-often neglected by homeowners and developers. 


Insulating a shed effectively with stone wool products allows you to:

  • Maintain indoor thermal comfort – especially important in a construction distanced from the main property and exposed on all sides.
  • Insulate from nuisance noise – a key consideration if close to neighbouring properties, busy roads, or airports. 
  • Non-combustible stone wool – crucial for safety considerations, particularly where social usage is concerned. 


Additionally, cold and wet weather can damage your shed and its contents if not properly insulated, so quality garden shed insulation acts to address this. 

Effective shed wall, roof and floor insulation helps retain warmth, raise energy efficiency, and lower the cost of heating or cooling the space. 

For those wanting to enjoy peace and quiet at the bottom of the garden, meanwhile, soundproofing a shed can help keep out excess noise from the surrounding environment. 

The reverse is true as well. Adding sound insulation for shed walls will be necessary if the plan is to create a music room or workshop of some kind.


Key benefits can also include:

  • Adding value to the property
  • Increasing the construction’s lifespan

Calculator and savings

Consult our local experts and Acoustic and U-Value calculators for more information,

Installing effective insulation in a shed can also reduce heating or cooling costs, as less energy will be required to increase or lower the indoor temperature as required. 


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Case studies

The challenge

In order to transform a concrete outbuilding into a multi-use living space with diverse requirements, it was important to Marianne that she used recycled materials where possible and the build be sustainably sourced, fire-proof and also be thermally and acoustically insulated to provide a quiet and warm environment for her daughter Tilly and the family.


The solution

ROCKWOOL Timber Frame Slab used for this project is a durable non-combustible stone wool slab that provides thermal, non-combustible insulation for walls and roofs. The slab insulation is specifically designed for use between the studwork of timber frame walls with the slabs been optimised to offer a lower thermal conductivity, is A1 fire resistant in addition to offering an outstanding sound absorption performance.


The results

ROCKWOOL Timber Frame Slab provided the thermal, fire safety and acoustic demands that Marianne and her family required for the project. The product also offers the flexibility, toughness and ease of installation required by someone new to renovation projects.

Rosebury Road Garage Renovation
Being new to renovations, it made a big difference that the insulation was easy to work with and fantastic that no power tools were needed to cut to size – in fact, I cut the product easily with an insulation knife and if I made a mistake, the product was very forgiving and malleable, making it very easy to correct.

Adrian Baum

Rosebury Road, Amazing Spaces
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ROCKWOOL Material Safety Datasheet

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Renovation Case Study Booklet


Should I leave an air gap when insulating a shed?
What R-value insulation should I use in my shed?
Does my shed need a vapour barrier?

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