ROCKWOOL helps create economic growth and supports job creation through three main channels:
- Our own activities and purchases from suppliers;
- The energy savings created by the use of our products; and,
- Contribution through employment
One of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDG8 – specifically focuses on sustainable growth and full employment. The aim of SDG8 is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Nearly half a billion people worldwide lack decent jobs, according to a new ILO report[1]. Responsible companies can help create sustainable social economies both globally and locally by creating economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
Our business is local, meaning we produce close to our customers and hire from the communities where we operate[2]. Currently 16 of Rockwool’s 19 stone wool producing factories in Europe are in non-urban areas. These areas are often associated with higher unemployment and lack of opportunities for local jobs. For ROCKWOOL, building and operating a production facility is a long-term investment. We believe that communities and countries can be empowered when corporations become active neighbours and contributors to the economy.
As a large business, with factories in 23 countries around the world, we recognise our duty to be a responsive and generous corporate citizen. To this end, we form international alliances with carefully chosen partners, to support causes ranging from environmental conservation and children in need to those affected by the war in Ukraine. For example, our shareholders approved using between 100-200 MDKK (approx. 13 to 27 MEUR) on reconstruction activities in the Chernihiv region northeast of Kyiv.