Growing more with less

Prolific and award-winning Polish tomato growers, the Kazmierczak family adopted our Growing Media solutions several years ago and haven’t looked back since

The Kazmierczak family have noticed a real difference in their day-to-day work with Grodan®, a ROCKWOOL Growing Media solution. Irrigation is better, easier, and more controllable, and the growing season now extends into mid-November. They can reduce water usage too: tomatoes cultivated in a precision growing system with Grodan consume three to four times less water per kilogram compared with field-based cultivation.

And the Kazmierczaks can now monitor their operation remotely over the internet, even checking on their plants’ roots. Through our Young Grower Project, they can benefit from advice at seminars, at the point of installation and through aftercare service.

Our solutions are helping growers around the world to grow more using less water, protecting our environment and feeding an ever-growing population.


Project location


“If you compare cultivation on stone wool and in the ground, I am for stone wool, because it offers more precise control and therefore more accurate dosage of fertilisers and irrigation.”

Ernst Kazmierczak

Polish tomato grower

Project Data

Building Type Tomato fields
Application Cultivation on stone wool
Product type Grotop Master, Plantop Delta, Grodan precision growing system, GroSens