Why you should carry out an exterior remodelling
A variety of circumstances may prompt you to consider an exterior remodelling or energy retrofit project. The older the house gets, the greater the wear and tear on the building’s exterior will become. To ensure you get the best outcome from your project, you should consider upgrading the external walls and façade of the building with stone wool insulation.
Reasons to consider an exterior remodelling initiative may include:
- Improved energy efficiency – As the exterior of the building also has the largest surface area, this is where most of your heat energy will escape through. An upgrade to the exterior walls will help reduce thermal losses and lower your energy costs.
- Limiting external noise – Noise pollution remains one of the emerging health concerns for the world’s populations. An exterior design that uses stone wool solutions will reduce the harmful effects of environmental noise with its superior acoustic performance.
- Reducing the cost of maintenance – By investing in high-quality insulating material, you will reduce the cost of upkeep on the exterior elements. Additionally, stone wool insulation will also protect interior structural systems from mould and mildew, increasing the usable life of these systems. If you use the right materials the first time, it will also make future renovation projects easier to execute.
- Creating a fresh look and style – Finally, you may want to renew the exterior of your home to bring it in line with contemporary aesthetics. With solutions from ROCKWOOL Group, you can create a new and exciting design for your home while also harnessing the benefits of stone wool for increased thermal, acoustic, and fire resilience.
A house makeover is possible with a variety of exterior renovation products and technologies from ROCKWOOL Group. Once you have decided to upgrade the exterior design of your property, consider the following solutions for your project.