Join us at the ROCKWOOL booth #C6730 for comprehensive live building science demonstrations and an exclusive R-Class Roundtable discussion you won’t want to miss.
Our network of pro builders will showcase high-performance solutions from below-grade to roof, and everything in between.
With eight high-performance building topics across ten sessions, you'll learn the fundamentals of game-changing building design while gaining practical insights into integrating ROCKWOOL's versatile stone wool insulation solutions for optimal building performance, fire safety, and durability.
Demo topics
- Mastering acoustics in building design
- Total-system continuous insulation
- Deep dive into control layers
- Building better in wildfire country
- Designing attics for peak performance
- Advanced cladding integration with stone wool insulation
- Stone wool and stucco
- Mastering below-grade insulation
- ROCKWOOL at the Construction Performance Zone